Hello. I watch your videos, they help me a lot and I want to express my gratitude to you. But I have a problem with this script https://github.com/MCreator-Examples/Projects/discussions/4. My structure has a foundation of 2 blocks and I would like to offset it by -2 Y, but it just stops being generated. I tried using the Y offset in the procedure, but to no avail. I ask for your help with this

I need such a foundation because of this dynamite
Sorry for the late reply. I am looking into the issue right now. And will check to see if I can add support for the structure in the procedure file for offsetting the test position. I will leave a new comment once I have had some time to play around with the script and do some tests.
I added support for this just now in Version 7 read the changes section for more information how to use it.