This blog pots explains the Upcoming Schedule Changes for 2024 for NorthWestTrees Gaming. Though rare that I change the schedule for my recording structure, I can't recall the last time I updated the system for the schedule it's self
What channels will this affect?
The current schedule change will affect the Gaming channel only.
What was the old schedule?
The old system only took into account the last game that was played and excluded it from the next years selection. Each year has four games that lasts around 52 episodes roughly 3 months of recording.
What is the Upcoming Schedule?
The new system takes in to account the first two games people voted for in the first and second quarter of the year.
Why schedule change?
Though making sure the last game of the year does not double run back to back is good to ensure no burnout, the one thing I did not take into account with the old system was community popularity for a set game. I know that game interest changes over time so making sure the first two games are in the next year can help keep at least some community engagement going. The other two spots at the end of the year will be randomized based on what games I have not played for a while and that were not played in the prior year. This insures that there is still a influx of new game options coming in.
Example of the new schedule
Green: These will be in the next year for sure.
Yellow: These might be in the next year or swapped out for something else.
Red: These will not be in the next year for sure but may be any time after.
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 | |
Spring | No Mans Sky S1 | No Mans Sky S2 | Cities Skylines 2 S2 | 911 Operator S1 |
Summer | Stardew Valley S1 | Farthest Frontiers S1 | No Mans Sky S3 | American Truck Simulator S1 |
Fall | Medieval Dynasty S1 | Cities Skylines 2 S1 | Going Medieval S2 | No Mans Sky S4 |
Winter | Going Medieval S1 | Stardew Valley S2 | Farthest Frontiers S2 | Cities Skylines 2 S3 |
Release Days
Release days are on the following days:
Episode Count
Episode count varies depending on the season but range from 51 to 52 normally.
Spring (52)
Summer (52)
Fall (52)
Winter (51)
Poll System
The poll system will happen in advance before I end the current season. If its winter were I am then it will be the next year's game selection. Normally this will happen about a month before I am due to end the season. I will make a poll on the community tab on the gaming channel which the community can vote for what game should go next. The game with the most votes will go next.
Even In Votes
If a game is even in votes I will break it by picking what one will go next. So far this has never happened but in the case that it does it will be decided by me in the end between the two or more games.
No Votes
If there are no votes which is again has never happened then I will pick one of the games on the list be the likelihood of this ever happening is slim.
Example Of The Poll System
Lower numbers rank higher with votes.
4 being less voted for
1 being more voted for.
| Option 1 | Option 2 | Option 3 | Option 4 |
Spring | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Summer | | 2 | 1 | 3 |
Fall | | 1 | | 2 |
Winter | | | | 1 |
Final Notes
This system will take effect come 2024 so you can expect Stardew Valley Se2 and No Mans Sky Se5 to make a come back next year as these were the first two games of 2023. Going Medieval will be shelved no earlier than 2025.
I hope that this schedule system is clear enough, I always like to be transparent in regard to my schedule changes so people know what to expect and the reason why I make the changes. It's rare that I make changes to the schedule unless it's to change the amount of videos or something but this new system is a bit more than just adding or removing days for recording.
Thanks for taking the time to read I wish you all a great day.
Peace Out!